
Publications, pre-prints, policy briefings and other outputs

Achieving just transitions to low-carbon urban mobility

In 2021, Tim Schwanen published a Commentary on the theme of just transitions in urban mobility in Nature Energy (IF2021=67.4). This describes the importance of a pluralist perspective on social justice and defines the different dimensions of social justice that are central to the ITEM project's analysis of policy, governance, uptake of and transition to electric mobility.

Greening Polish transportation? Untangling the nexus between electric mobility and a carbon-based regime

Drawing on research conducted before the start of ITEM, Aleksandra Lis and Rafał Szymanowski examine the progress of the transition to electric mobility in Poland in an article published in Energy Research & Social Science (IF=8.5). Considering the patterns of interactions between regime- and niche-level actors from both the public and private sectors, they describe how the most successful e-mobility ventures are contributing more to the international transition than to e-mobility uptake within Poland.

Mechanisms with equity implications for the (non-) adoption of electric mobility in the early stage of the energy transition

In a systematic literature review on the justice implications of the transition to electric mobility, Fabian Israel, Dick Ettma, and Dea van Lierop find empirical evidence of the unequal distribution of economic incentives, charging and access to electric mobility, competition over the configuration of public space, and differences in personal characteristics and capabilities. In their article published in Transport Reviews (IF=9.8), they discuss how these inequities influence EM adoption, and suggest that social inclusion should be integrated into the transition process as it accelerates.